Teaching writing in the Age of Creativity

My version of a TedTalk involves reading something I wrote! But if you’re interested in hearing about the professional changes that have taken place in the teaching of writing while I’ve been involved in the game, here’s a good chance. Plus, there’s a good story (true!) in there involving Tobias Wolff, a rickety printer, and the wisdom of Elmore Leonard.


Orcas Island Lit Fest

So my friend Jule and I–along with a crack team from Orcas Island–are starting a literary festival the weekend of April 14, 2018. I should say that’s the weekend it will be hosted. We’ve already started it!

It’s going to be interesting, intriguing, intellectually stimulating, and very, very beautiful. Get thee to a ferry and come!

Here’s the website: oilf.org.

Seriously, check out the website–Orcas is gorgeous.



Popmatters: “A Computer Steals Our Hearts in A Working Theory of Love”

A thought-provoking and enjoyable review from Jose Solís at PopMatters:

“Without much fuss Hutchins turns the computer into a metaphor for books, as well. Are these characters truly alive because we’re enjoying them so much? Is their humanity as important as ours? A Working Theory of Love makes for a delightful satire that asks profound questions without making it look like a great effort. Hutchins’ writing is so simple and straightforward that the book often reads like a good conversation. It’s not hard to figure out that by the time we get to the actual Turing contest at the end of the novel, we have been so won over by Dr. Bassett that we don’t care if scientists think it’s human or not.”

His summary of the work aspects of AWTOL is so good I think I might start using it myself!